Friday, May 18, 2012

Pre Race Day Jitters

Good morning all my dedicated followers!! Like the title says I am a bit nervous for tomorrow!! It's the big day the Windermere Marathon!! That's it what all of this is about. As most of you know where this training came from but for those who don't I'll share my motivation and story.

I run because I am here today and able! It all started about June 2009 or 2008 time frames are still a bit hazy for me. The physical abuse from my ex husband started, he always in the 8 years of marriage mentally and emotionally abused me, secluded me from dear friends and family but it wasn't until I was done with him having girlfriends and only coming back to me when they broke up with him; that is when the abuse started. When he felt he no longer had a verbal hold on me he started choking me for life answers, suffocating me with pillows, threatening my life if I leave with weapons, and hitting me. It was October of the same year he came to my house, with the look of the devil in his eyes he beat me, stripped me, and threatened to murder/suicide on us. My darling oldest daughter chimed in "Mommy are you ok" those words gave me seconds to react and escape the home, where a person driving by my home called 911. It was only minutes when they arrived. Now the cops came many times before but my ex always talked them away, so I always felt trapped. This time though the cops thought I was hiding them and threatened to take my children. I let them search the home and they found him hiding in a closet. He went off in hand cuffs, wow someone finally stood up for me. I had to show my beaten face at the courthouse my place of employment for almost 2 weeks, that's how long the external marks stayed but as any domestic violence survivor knows there is always the internal marks! 

I struggled to not follow my bad choices, and one day I stood up for myself and I decided to create a bucket list of all the things I NEVER had the chance to do. If I would have died that day, I would have missed out on a whole world of opportunities. I wasn't going to ever take life for granted again. There were silly items and hard items but the most difficult item on my bucket list, the most internal work and external training needed is COMPLETING A MARATHON!! 

Some items on my bucket list:
Buy a home
Dance on a table at a club
Go to a Rock Concert
Complete a Marathon
Take the girls camping for there first time
Buy a good car

So as I sit here today only 1 day away from this huge accomplishment for me, I can't help to think of what it took to get here and how much my motivations, love of family, and support of an amazing husband I have and treasure. God really did have a plan for me, I don't regret the choices I made because those choices and struggles have made me a better wife, amazing mother, and understand and compassionate person who only wants to see every beautiful women succeed just as I have. I am a survivor and am EMPOWERED to continue to reach new highs.

How have I prepared you may ask. I've been taking many different classes at the YMCA to prepare and cross train such as: TRX, Cycling, Core Ball, Intense Pump, Zumba, and also running 20-50 miles a week. In the last month I've dedicated my diet to rice, vegetables, fish, oatmeal and plenty of water. Today I plan on relaxing, stretching, and hydrating. It's important to hydrate and eat low fat foods 3 days prior to any long run, this will help to avoid the runners potty breaks (a nice way to say it). 

I will head to the convention center to pick up my packet and number soon, I'll post a picture when I have a moment. And then a healthy dinner and off to bed early for me. I have to be in Post Falls, ID by 6am tomorrow morning. The race starts at 7am and hopefully Bekah and I will be crossing the finish line in Spokane, WA Riverfront park between 11-noon!!! This will be a glorious time for me and my little girls!! It's all they ever talk about, "we wanna run marathons like mommy" 

So I will battle internal fears but my husband the love of my life reminds me "lay my worries with the lord" I shall do this and please all my wonderful followers keep Bekah and me in your prayers for an injury free run. 

Thank you all,


*Desiree Lancaster*

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