Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Start of Something Great!!

This is my very first BLOG ever!! I will start off by saying this was Runners Worlds recommendation... so if I'm not very good at this please humor me :) This will be my portal to the real world, the world of the working class!! Yes I'm talking about my running partner and sister at heart Bekah (Love you girl) This will be my way of making myself accountable for my daily activity, and the potential insanity I may experience with having four beautiful little ladies with me all DAY!!

So to give those of you a run down, yes it will be a sprinting one..... hehe!! I'm a newlywed and my wonderful husband took on 5 ladies, yes me, a 9 year old, 5 year old, 4 year old and a 3 year old and yes all girls!!! Now you see why my blog is called Mommy Madness!! We all experience some sort of madness when you have children but have any of you experiences 4 girls 24 hours a day? 

I did my first Half marathon a few months back, did it in 2:14!!! It rocked but was very difficult, very hilly and to make those of you know the nightmare I experienced was at the 9 mile mark.... DOOMSDAY HILL! My next half is scheduled for March 3, 2012 this is the SNAKE RIVER HALF! My goal for this one is 2:00, this one will be an out and back one, all flat.

So yes like many of you I have not followed one bit of my training or healthy eating over the holiday, I am very sad to say I've gained 10lbs and haven't done any running, unless chasing after little ones counts. So my training starts again from the begginning, but my future posts will be a day to day activity schedule of what I have done each and everyday upuntil the day of the half...... moving into the day of the FULL MARATHON which is in May 2012.

So to my family and friends cheer me on as I start this journey to become a wonderful house wife, mom, and completing a MARATHON with Team Lancaster!!!

Love to you all!!!

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