Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Saturday Bekah and I did 11 miles total!!! It rocked, well sort of she had to get my butt moving during the last two miles!!! We did 10/10min miles and then 1 mile walking to cool down. A cool down and stretching at the beginning is really important. If your doing a large number of miles you'll notice you won't hurt as much if you walk a bunch to let your muscles not tense up. Sunday I felt great, hydrated and relaxed but not much planned working out just house cleaning :) Monday was the same and then Tuesday I was back to walking the girls to school.

Today the weather was so bad that Kaitlyn had to help push the stroller because I was fighting the wind all the way home! Very sad that the wind was blowing so bad that it took a grown adult and a little munchkin to push it. I will be back on the bike Thursday and hopefully tomorrow I will make it to the YMCA to get a few miles in.

As soon as my wonderful husband gets home from his second job I'll be signing up for the Windermere Marathon. Yes that means I'm paying the $90 so it will defiantly be happening!! Ok we have snow but it won't be stopping me..........

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