Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hey all  my wonderful followers! I have taken a month or so off from blogging, things became really busy but I'm going to push through it and start up again :) So I think I need to feel everyone in from where I left off.

I've been going every other morning to the YMCA to do TRX and Cycle, I've learned to stick it out and found TRX isn't that bad once you allow your body to have a rest day after a session. Running has become more regular also. My amazing husband got me a new Garmin 405 for Valentines Day, it's made it much easier for me to track the miles I'm actually clocking. After my first morning walking the girls to school I found that instead of the 1 mile round trip it was 1.5 miles round trip to the girls school. So on those days I'm walking, I'm doing a total of 4.5miles and the watch told me I was averaging a 14min/mile!! How cool is that!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012 is the Snake River Half Marathon. I'm getting super excited for it, all of TEAM LANCASTER will be there and my dad!! So exciting to be able to share these moments with my little ladies. Kaitlyn had to do a goals chart for school and her #1 thing was she wants to train and run a marathon  /half marathon like her mommy. That just melted my heart, I have 4 little girls who will become strong, smart, confident women because I am instilling those qualities in them.

So they cheer me on during my runs and they play and are so patient with my husband when I put in my long runs on the weekends. Last weekend they played at the Valley Mall and went to have a daddy date lunch while I ran 14.3 miles on the same route I'll be taking for the Windermere Marathon.

As I sit here now with Kimmy on my lap she's asking "mommy what are you doing" my response I'm writing about running. She says "but you don't have a lot of kids" lol I love how a 3 year old thinks. 

To continue.... Today I mailed in my application for Mrs. Washington!! This will be another adventure to add to my bucket list. Wow to think that it wasn't 3-4 years ago I was the women who walked around on egg shells and put all my dreams and aspirations to the side. To think I was told by men that I was stupid and wouldn't amount to anything. Jokes on all them..... I now have accomplished so many things and have an amazing husband who is supporting me through it all, my own personal cheerleader!! So COOL!! When I'm excepted into the pageant that is when the excitement will begin. This blog could potentially turn into a marathon/mommy madness to Mommy/Marathon/MrsBeautyPageantRunner  hehe guess it's a play on words. Now I bet your all thinking.... How did I decide to run for Mrs. Washington? When I was a little girl I begged my parents to enter me in many little miss pageants, my mom entered me into one but the cost was so expensive to continue.  I always felt I wasn't pretty enough, now that I'm an adult I think differently. It's not whats on the outside that make a women/girl pretty. It's what's on the inside and any of my girls will say that!! A girl/women is only the best they allow themselves to be. If you say your pretty and you can do it, then that's what you will do. Doesn't matter if you win or loose it's knowing you gave your best and had fun while doing it! During High School I was West Plains Community Fair Queen 3 years running. So I asked the girls Kaitlyn, Kyla, Kira, and KimberLee " What would you think if mommy ran for Mrs. Washington. They had many questions "what do you do" etc. I showed them the website...

The all cheered and said YES!!! Kaitlyn was the most excited she said " I can tell all my friends then" she had a sparkle in her eye that made my heart melt. With all the horrible things these girls experienced to see them truly happy makes me feel great! 

The scariest thing for me will be getting Sponsors to help pay for the pageant. So as soon as I'm accepted I will put the word out, any business you can think of, feedback would be great!!

I'll rap it up for now but I promise to not be long...... Until tomorrow ;-)

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